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Course schedule



– Level 1 :

Presentation of the course
Elevation of the individual to a vibration of 300 UV
Communication of the main principles of the functioning of the organism
Use of the notion of “recentering”
Individual behaviour and its effects
Conservation of the acquired vibratory rate
The mind-body pair and its functioning
Vibratory Transmission®, principles and applications
Transmission techniques :
– planned by manual contact to oneself and to close friends/family
– emergency by manual contact
..(V-T : Vibratory Transmission)



– Level 2 :

Elevation of the individual to a vibration of 430 UV
Further development of the notion of
The power of the Present Moment and its energy applications
The Energy logic in our body, head and life
Release of the conscious use of themed “recentering”
V-T to a wider group (20 people)
Evaluation and localisation of the physical needs of others by manual contact
Global and localised self-evaluation
Techniques for the neutralisation of toxins

Internal cleansing exercises for the different components of the human body



– Level 3 :

Elevation of the individual to a vibration of 530 UV
Vibratory independence (vibration self-maintained)
Interdependence of the three fundamentalcomponents : body, mind and energy
Presentation of the Matter-Information couple and its self-influences
Evaluation and localisation of physical discomfort by visual contact
Evaluation at a distance of others’ needs by mental contact
V-T by mental contact with authorisation (subject geographically remote)
Emergency V-T (global) by visual contact
Pendular measurement techniques of the vibratory rate
Help breaking the habit of toxins
Exercise of the 3 elements
Renewal of the Initial Birth energy
The water element or life matter, its reactivity and possibilities to revitalise it



– Level 4 :

Elevation of the individual to a vibration of 630 UV
Basic knowledge of energy replenishment of the individual and behavioural effects
The Attraction phenomena, its workings and its effects on our existence

The duality Emission-Reception of energy within the individual
Autonomous vibratory increase
Emergency V-T by visual contact
Unique transmission
Matter and information, reactivity and disclosure
The vibratory gift to others
Cleansing and optimisation of the emotional organ
Example of the humanconscience bubble
Installing health programmes
Transmission to the “Found Child”
Exercise of accelerated energy capture or exercise of the parabola
Emergency energetic aid



– Level 5 :

Autonomous elevation of the individual to a vibration of 800 UV
Values, conceptions, normality et existential physiology
The function and the organ, the Intention and the circumstance
The human being and his search to harness energy
Global Energy or Life Force
Evolutive Physiology
The reasons for Hope or real
Human capacities
Basic knowledge of triggering mass
Relational and circumstantial self-healing
Energetic Organisation of the Human Being
Intensification by Autonomous vibratory increase
Constitution of the being and means for immediate relief
The Energy Mouse or the ideal positioning of subtle elements


Development of passive intuition
Global detoxification of the tissues
Transmission of the benefits to others
Protocol and recommendations for the teaching of level 1



– Level 6 :

Autonomous elevation of the individual to a vibration of 1200 UV
Conscious and voluntary progressive acceleration
Consciousness index and adaptability of intentions to Reality
Setting up of Consciousness programs
Responsibility and Power of the Human Being compared with others, to circumstances
and events Consciousness
Questionnaire and results
Awareness of the particularities of the individual
Harnessing and Use of Innate Science
Exercises for the use of the Magic Thought
Techniques of creative assertions
Optimisationof “recentering” capacity by the way of “Consciousness”
Basic Information, the main theme of our life
Technique energy reading
Self-evaluation of progression
Techniques for the creation of harmonious space
Techniques for energy coaching

Remote energetic interventions for the protection of the child
Revitalisation of the active cells by Vibratory Transmission
Development of active Intuition Pendular
Evaluation of our rhythms and physical, mental, emotional and energetical states
Protocol and recommendations for the teaching of level 2
Implementation of the Ideal Sensation



– Level 7 :

Elevation of the Individual’s ideal vibratory level
Magisterial opening
Install Evolution Programmes
Install Intuitive Knowledge
Development of conscious connections/exchanges with Energy
Systems of the different worlds, causes, consequences and solutions
Identify ideal and positive natural positioning
Conscious use of the Fixed Point/Moving Point principle
Constructions of vibratory architectures Office (Consulting room) transmissions of energetic technics
Learning (Exploring) organic tissues vibratory reading
Detecting, measuring and neutralizing of blocked Past Life Memories
Remote Vibratory reading of the Elements.
Consciousness and Reality questionnaire
Protocol and recommendations for the teaching level 3 and 4



– Level 8 :

Exploration of the Possibilities of the Human Being at the vibratory and consciousness level

The true relationship to Nature and the Elements
Implementation and experimentation of the Very High Connection



Ultimately what we come to see for ETV participants is:

– self-behavior much more suited to health and development in life,

– an increased understanding of the interest in self-preservation,
– a marked and accelerated dynamization of each one towards what corresponds to him,
– a growing compassion towards others,
– an intensification of the desire to benefit and share what is beneficial and saving,
– the desire and the creation of humanitarian associations to help and make life beautiful,
– favoring children to facilitate their school work,
– the clear development of a respectful attitude towards the animal and plant world,
– an optimization of their relational health vis-à-vis Others,
– an increased awareness of the need to preserve fundamental elements like water,
– an even clearer insight into the essential values ​​of existence such as love, friendship, health, freedom
– a global pacification of the character of each,
– a reinforced and interested listening to the different ideas coming from the others,
– a pleasure multiplied by being able to spread even more what is beautiful and hopeful,