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What is Vibratory Transmission® ?

Vibratory Transmission® is about benefiting from the possibility that we have to
use the Energy of life by receiving this basic element voluntarily,
consciously and on an increased level.

The teaching thus enables each of us in a simple, natural and progressive
way, to acquire a higher vibratory intensity and use this new potential
to :

INCREASE our personal well-being and that of our close friends
..and family by simply placing our hands in the appropriate way,
EFFECTIVELY MANAGE our energy inputs,
BETTER UNDERSTAND the vital role that each of us has in
..his/her life and on that life.
DISCOVER the extraordinary possibilities of human thinking in
..order to use it wisely,
LIVE BETTER on an emotional level by learning the physiology
..of the emotional organ,
HAVE A NEW and increased perception of the beliefs and
..concepts that propel us
DEVELOP our intuition so that it can help us on a daily basis


Who does this teaching apply to ?

The method is accessible to all people over the age of 18 who wish to broaden their
personal development, understanding of themselves and others and their
understanding of human life, and to all those who wish to age less
quickly. It is therefore aimed at all those who consider it normal to
know more about their life today than they did at the beginning of their
existence, with regard to the principles and natural and vibratory laws
that make us function.


What method is used to reach these objectives ? 

Vibratory Transmission® is mainly based on a progressive increase of the vibratory
rhythm of the individual allowing him/her to attain a normal state of
physical, psychological, emotional, energetic and intuitive functioning.

Over the different levels of teaching, the level of conscience which undoubtedly
influences our cells, our thoughts and our life is therefore affected.
This enables the individual to understand what has been causing him/her
to experience certain repetitive patterns and in turn gives him/her have
the capacity to get free of them and surpass them.

In addition, every day we receive several “energetic salaries” from food,
daylight, oxygen and through a purely vibrational form.

It is possible to consciously increase our own energy input so that we can in
turn and logically redistribute part of it in different ways to
ourselves and to others as needed.


Where does this approach come from ?

This approach is a summary of observations, made since 1985 during his
therapeutic work, and now as an energetician. All of this background has led him to
recognize the possibilities of improving and enriching the 5 factors
which govern the functioning of the Human Being, which are :

– his intensity (vibratory rhythm)

– his positioning (vision of oneself and use of oneself),

– his impregnations (ideas, values and conceptions),

– his accessions (capacities, tools and means for action)

– his connections (notably to Life)

Ever since his discoveries, his energetic potential has continued to
increase, resulting since January 2001, in the ability to pass on this
capacity in a simple and efficient way to whoever wants to try it and
experience it. The energy exists and it is quite normal to be able to
pass it on, use it and understand it.


What are the possibilities of progression using this method ?

Today the teaching of this approach consists of 7 skill levels each corresponding
to a determined vibratory rhythm. This leads to different states of
consciousness and consequently different possibilities of actions and
attitudes focusing on a healthy body and a lucid mind.


At what point can we start talking about it with those around us ?

Vibratory Transmission® also translates as a move of solidarity towards the Human
Beings that we are. However, although it is logical that anything that
is beneficial and creates well-being spreads rapidly, it is advisable
that the person following this teaching firstly observes the benefits
for him/herself as well as for close friends and family.


Can we also use medicinal treatments with this technique ?

The main objective of Vibratory Transmission is to help find one’s natural
independence of mind and of body. This is why this approach will never
be a substitute for other forms of therapy or medicinal treatment.

ETV is complementary to the range of therapeutic methods available today, which should be used as appropriate.

What is the cost of the training ?

The other aim of this training is to make this Personal Development Tool accessible to as many people as possible.

Consequently, if your partner joins the course at the same level as you, he/she will pay half price.

People unable to pay the full fixed amount can give what they can afford.

All other participants pay the fee indicated on the attached registration form and on the website.

Participants wishing to follow a level for the second time can attend free of charge or for a voluntary contribution.

It should be noted that part of the funds collected from the course are given to the charity “Les Ailes Blanches” to benefit children in difficulty.

This association was created in June 2004 in order to make a link between this teaching and our desire to help others, made clear by an increasing
understanding of what we can achieve in our life and from our life.

The human being is an alchemist, whether he is aware of this or not, thus transforming his/her intentions, state of mind and level of comprehension into actions.

How is the complete course organized ?

Each of the levels takes place as follows :

– the first 3 levels are each carried out over 2 consecutive days (2 x 2h30),

– the 4th level is a whole day, usually a Saturday,

– the 5th level is an evening and the following day,

– the 6th level includes 3 evenings of preparatory work followed by one
..evening and the following day of lessons,

– the 7th level includes 2 weeks of personal preparation then 3 consecutive days
..of lessons,

– the 8th level includes 10 weeks of personnal preparation then 5 consecutive days
..of lessons.

Between each level, each participant should and is advised to
experiment this vibratory Tool for a few weeks or months in order to
appreciate for him or herself how effective and real this increase in
vibratory rhythm really is. It is only at the end of this period that
the participant can register for the next level.

The minimum time between each level is as follows :

– 1 month between the lst  and 2nd levels
– 3 months between the 2nd and 3rd levels
– 6 months between the 3rd and 4th levels

– 12 months between the 4th and 5th levels
– 8 months between the 5th and 6th levels
– 18 months between the 6th and 7th levels

– 36 months between the 7th and 8th levels.


The dates of the different trainers as well as the program of lessons are indicated on the website, under “Dates Pascal Lefèvre” and “Formateurs Habilités”.

How long does it take to get results ?

The vibratory gain is effective from the first day of level 1 training, and is confirmed and completed on the second day.

Thus, right from the following day and as needed, the participant is able to
treat him/herself and also close friends and family.

Because our level of vibratory rhythm is maintained at a constant level, it is
possible to repeat the vibratory transmission until the person receiving
it is satisfied with the results.


Is the current development of broadmindedness and approaches like Vibratory Transmission based on a need ?

We need more and more reliable and real reference points to be able to find our
bearings in this constantly evolving, complex world, and our first
reference point is ourselves in our entirety.

This is why it is important and urgent to be able to have access to this type of
approach to understand what we really are, what we influence and what
we are capable of. Vibratory Transmission training works in line with
this understanding and that of the nature of the world in which our body
is the first and most important part.

The world really needs Human Beings who understand and live their Understanding
so they can access the higher ’Normality’ composed of Comfort,
Conscience and Creativity.




It must be emphasized that all the levels of teaching offered are aimed at understanding the human being that we are in our constitution, physiology, internal and external influences, capacity to evolve and possibilities to relieve naturally.

All the teaching is centred on this.


In return, part of the money collected by the people having achieved levels 5, 6, 7 or 8 and who in turn teach levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 is given to the charity “Les Ailes Blanches”.

The objective of this charity is to help children in difficulty and has already been involved in giving donations to support associations like  “SOS Villages d’Enfants” and “La Chaine de l’Espoir”.

It was created on 28 June 2004 at the Sous-Préfecture of Raincy (93 – France) under the registration number 0932009279.

President : Pascal Lefèvre

Vice President : Vice Présidente : Marie-Françoise Michaud

Treasurer : Trésorière : Sylvie Lefèvre

Secretary : Secrétaire : Bernadette Levert

Headquarters  : 74940 Annecy-le-Vieux

Telephone : (+33) 6 73 29 68 52


Informations :

The titles “Enseignement de la Transmission Vibratoire” and his Logo has been registered with INPI
(Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle – National Institute of Industrial Property) since 31 March 2005 under the national number 053349984.

This title is also registered with OMPI (Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle – World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
under the international number 05 3 349 984.

This training has been declared with the “Direction régionale du travail, de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle” since 11/09/2002 under the number 84740387874.